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Sep 7, 2020
Pool Stains
Identifying the cause of the stain is fairly challenging as many can appear quite similar in appearance, however the treatment for the stain

Aug 17, 2020
Shut the Gate this Season
As the weather heats up, we remind you that children find a swimming pool very enticing. Please Shut the Gate. Statistically, on average,...

Aug 17, 2020
How to Clean a Cartridge Filter
Pool filters are one of the most important parts of your swimming pool equipment and system. They have the crucial task of keeping the...

Jun 16, 2020
Why is my pool pump making a noise
pump bearings seize up due to a number of reasons but running dry, old age and a mechanical seal failure are possibly the most likely cause.

May 22, 2020
A pool plumbing suction line Blockage.... Handy Hints
You don’t realize the importance of emptying your skimmer baskets regularly and replacing them before they become brittle & split until...

Apr 28, 2020
How to $ave Money when you own a swimming pool
Is 'winterising' a real thing? Here are a few cost cutting ideas that can see you save a dollar over the winter months...

Apr 27, 2020
Can you catch Covid from your swimming pool?
SPASA has received numerous queries regarding the safety of swimming pools and whether COVID-19 can be transmitted through swimming pool...

Apr 23, 2020
The Bucket Test... Is your swimming pool leaking?
HOW DO I CHECK IF MY POOL IS LEAKING? Swimming pool leaks can occur anywhere, both inside and outside of your pool shell. Before you...

Apr 3, 2020
Is it worth buying an automatic pool cleaner?
Swimming pool automatic cleaners vary from pool to pool

Jan 18, 2020
Is Your Swimming Pool Over Full?
How to drain an overflowing swimming pool, but be careful not to forget your pool on ...

Dec 29, 2019
Why is my pool water level dropping?
A residential pool, without a pool cover, can lose about an inch of water per week over our hot summer months solely due to water...

Dec 14, 2019
How long must I run my Pool Pump?
There is a multitude of impacting factors when establishing how long to run your pool filtration equipment. There are two parts to this...

Dec 2, 2019
How much salt does my pool need?
In simple terms let us first explain that a chlorinator converts salt into chlorine gas when the water passes through the cell...

Nov 17, 2019
My chlorine levels are good, but my pool is still green?
Pool water turns green because of algae in the water There's a saying we love to use, "Green Breeds Green" What this means, is that...

Amanda Amey
Nov 4, 2019
Why do my eyes hurt in the pool?
Why do my eyes hurt and go red after swimming in the pool.

Mar 27, 2019
Should we use a salt water chlorinator?
How does a Salt Water Chlorinator work

Amanda Amey
Mar 25, 2019
What is the difference between a sand filter and a cartridge filter
Firstly, your Sand filter should be plumbed to sewer, rather than the storm water. Sand filters are generally large round filters that...

Amanda Amey
Mar 25, 2019
What is the correct water level for my swimming pool?
Swimming pools are designed to have the skimmer box opening at a particular level, to ensure correct skimming of the water surface. This...

Amanda Amey
Mar 25, 2019
How to remove Black Algae from your swiming pool
Black algae has a very deep root system that can grow into the plaster and concrete substrates of any swimming pool. It can attack the...

Amanda Amey
Feb 21, 2019
A storm is coming! Caring for your pool before the storm hits!
With Cyclone Oma almost here, it is always good to remember that just like your home, your pool needs some added care too and some...

Feb 15, 2019
Health Benefits of Owning a Pool
Adding physical activity into your daily life is a great way to improve your health and wellbeing, time on the other hand, isn’t always...

Feb 1, 2019
My pool is still blue
People often wonder why they need a pool service when the pool still looks blue. The truth is, that even though the pool may look blue,...

Tristan Amey
Oct 1, 2018
Pool Cleaners come in all styles & designs
Automatic Pool cleaners come in all sort of styles and designs. Inertia driver suction cleaners that clean in a random pattern. They will...

Amanda Amey
Aug 13, 2018
Shut the Gate this Spring time
It's nearly spring, and the Gold Coast comes alive. We start to hear the ice cream trucks more regularly, the smell of the ol' BBQ, the...
Anchor 1
chl level is good green pool
black spot blog
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