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Apr 20, 2018
Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast
Well, well, well..... The comm games came and went and to every local person's surprise, the roads were the least congested in a long...

Mar 6, 2018
Phosphates and Green Pools
It's amusing how pool shops manage to test the client's water, punch in a few numbers and spit out a full detailed report on required...

Aug 2, 2017
I have a Confession
How not to prime your pool pump. We care about pool care. Stopping water flow and filling the plumbing pipes is step one to priming your p

Apr 15, 2017
Cyclone Debbie
Cyclone Debbie has devastated a large part of our beautiful Queensland and although we initially didn't expect her to effect the Gold...

Feb 28, 2017
Is your Pool Water Level too Low?
There's nothing like topping up your pool water level, just to find that you've forgotten the hose in the pool, it's now overflowing and...

Jun 28, 2016
Using a Pool Blanket in Winter
Pool blankets are multi functional, and although predominantly designed to insulate and keep your pool warmer during those shoulder...

Jun 20, 2016
Pool Water Levels with all this rain...
"Gold Coast’s Springbrook cops 416mm of rain in June, the most in 11 years" With excessive rain and overflowing swimming pools, many...

Jun 6, 2016
Water Level A Factor
Water level is a big factor in the functioning of your pool and equipment. The skimmer box is designed to sit at a particular height...

May 30, 2016
A Little bit of cold
As we head into the winter months, neglecting your pool can cost you more in the long run. Many people figure that if they're not using...

Apr 27, 2016
Skimmer Baskets
Skimmer baskets are designed to collect debris and leaves from the pool, and filter them out to stop them going through to the pump. Too...

Sep 28, 2015
Summer is almost here !
Sunscreen, Days lazing around the pool. Summer time is nearly here. Are we going to have a wet or dry season?
Anchor 1
chl level is good green pool
black spot blog
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