Typically a storm creates havoc for most swimming pool owners, especially those on sloped properties, or with a lot of leafage and plants nearby. Storms can be a costly expense for swimming pools but some things can be avoided

Storms Cause
Debris and damage to your equipment
Motor burnout / fusion
The dilution of chemicals, reducing their effectiveness
Additional phosphates often run into your pool Why do phosphates matter?
Safety issues around electricity, pumps and chlorinators short circuiting.
Before a storm
Turn the Power Off
To prevent any potential electrical issues, it is always important to remember to turn off the power to your pool equipment, such as your pump, heaters, chlorinators and any lighting fixtures.
Encourage or plan drainage around your pump area.
Your wont always have time just before a storm to correct any drainage issues, but consider relocating your equipment with your next renovation. Flooded pool pumps are a very common result of storms.
Clean up and Cut back vegetation.
If you have time before the storm, remove as many household items from around the pool area as possible. Never place objects in the pool to protect them from a storm, as this could create staining problems later on. Removing excess vegetation can also help against algae, phosphates and debris entering the pool
Covers Off
Leave your pool open in a major storm, as covers across the pool will struggle to protect against excessive debris and it may not be worth the risk that they are damaged in strong winds. Placing your pool cover over your pool in a storm makes it vulnerable to sharp branches and other debris that can damage your pool cover
After a storm
Test and Balance Chemicals

Rain heavily dilutes chemicals, especially chlorine and salt. Without sufficient Salt, you won't make sufficient chlorine, and without sufficient chlorine you wont be able to fight an algae bloom. How much salt does my pool need?
Check for water around your Electrics
Check that none of your electrical equipment (your pump or chlorinator) is sitting in water, and / or has shorted out.
Remove leafage as soon as possible
Green breeds green. Leafage and debris often contain phosphates which is a brilliant food source for algae. So by eliminating the leaves and debris, you are helping to reduce the algae's food source.
Clear out your skimmer and pump baskets

Excessive leafage after a storm will quickly fill up your skimmer basket and possibly your pump basket. Once your skimmer basket gets too full, if you're lucky enough that it doesn't actually split and allow debris straight to your pump, a full skimmer basket is also a common cause for reduced water flow. Reduced water flow is a common reason for damaged pool pumps
For more information on relocating your pool plumbing or servicing your pool after a storm, please contact us on 0432 105 352