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What do I need to know about relocating my Pool Equipment

Writer's picture: PoolzonePoolzone

In today's world, renovating your home, or swimming pool is almost a given if you live in the property long enough. With passing time, comes increased wants and needs and different and improved fashion and trends.

Pool plumbing relocation is common and, whilst not necessarily a difficult thing to do, we refer to the old saying "it's not the time taken to cut the wire, it's the knowledge to know which wire to cut" Understanding pool plumbing, the directional flow of water, the purpose of the different items of pool filtration and the materials and glues to use can be the difference between successful pool plumbing and continual pool plumbing nightmares.

There's a lot to consider when relocating your pool filtration equipment, here's our top 5 !

  • How far should my pool pump be from my swimming pool?

  • Do levels matter when relocating pool equipment?

  • Is their sufficient drainage where I'm proposing to move the filtration to?

  • Do I have access to the correct waste outlet?

  • Do I have the correct diameter PVC and PVC glues

The first thing you need to consider, is where you are relocating your pool filtration equipment to. Consider the distance between the pool pump and the pool itself, how will the noise of your pool pump affect either you or your neighbors and what is the difference in levels between the pool pump and the water level .

Other than the obvious, "will I need to trench or cut concrete?", always consider your levels. Whilst sometimes not visible to the naked eye, if your pool equipment is higher than the water level itself, you may need to install a non-return valve.

What is a non return value? A non return valve is a valve that allows the media (in this case, water) to flow through them in only one direction. Non return valves work automatically and if placed correctly, will stop the water from flowing back into the pool when the pump turns off. (which, will cause your pool pump to lose prime)

What happens when my pool pump loses prime? A pool pump requires water to work, so when the pump turns off each night, the system is designed to lock the water in the pipe so that when the pool pump starts up the next morning, it has water to turn over immediately. If this water is able to drain back, or away from the pump, when the pump turns on in the morning, it is only turning "air" This causes the pool pump to cavitate (otherwise known as losing prime)

The distance between the pump and the pool itself will mean either more or less work that the pump needs to do. The pump draws water from the pool, (otherwise known as the suction line) so if the distance is too great, it will put unnecessary strain on the pump and possibly affect the lifespan of the pool pump. The ideal distance between the pump and the pool is less than 12 meters.

Do consider whether or not there is sufficient space for all of your pool equipment to fit into the new area, and how this area will cope in heavy rains. We, all to often, see pool equipment damaged during floods and heavy rains as if they are placed in an area of poor drainage or at a much lower level than the surrounds, whether it be the rain, or overflow from the pool, the pool equipment can get damaged. Pool equipment cannot sustain periods of time under water. (It's an electrical item after all)

Knowing the type of filter system you are using (the difference between a cartridge filter and a sand filter) will usually determine whether you need to plumb the waste line to sewer, or whether it can be plumbed to storm water. In Queensland, sand filters must legally have their waste line plumbed to sewer and it cannot be plumbed to storm water. Therefore, consider where your nearest sewer point is.

It's important to use the correct diameter PVC pipes and glues. Remember, pool plumbing is under pressure when the pump turns on, so correct and adequate gluing is essential. Gluing PVC pipe is a two step process and requires a primer followed by the PVC glue. The primer strips the impurities from the pipe and chemically prepares the surface for the glue application.

Suction lines are normally 50 mm pipes whereas return lines are 40 mm diameters. The larger diameter helps with water flow and if any debris does bypass the skimmer basket, has a bit more room to move before causing a suction line blockage. Pool pumps are supplied with both 40 mm and 50mm unions to accommodate this.

Quick Tip: Your Electrician will need to connect power to your new location, so consider the costs before deciding where and when.

Pool plumbing requires different expertise than your usual domestic plumbing. We are experienced in both new and existing pools and have an extensive amount of pool plumbing experience. If you need assistance, call us on 0432 105 352


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