Cyanuric Acid, stabilizer or 'pool sunscreen'

Sunlight (UV Rays) reduce chlorine in a swimming pool. Cyanuric acid is used as a chlorine stabilizer to reduce the affect of the UV Rays. It binds itself to the free chlorine and releases it slowly, therefore extending the time that the chlorine is able to sanitise the pool.
If there is no cover on the pool, our UV Rays (in particularly during our hot summer, Gold Coast months) can have a substantial impact on the level of chlorine in a pool. Unless you use a stabilizer, the UV Rays can potentially deplete your chlorine levels quicker that your chlorinator can produce it. (subject to running times) Thus, creating an environment most suited to algae growth.
Algae breeds algae, so keeping your chlorine levels up and sanitising the pool is key to crystal clear, healthy pool water.
How much stabilizer should my pool have? We recommend between 50ppm and 60ppm of stabilizer and 2ppm - 2.5ppm of free chlorine in an outdoor pool.
WARNING : As Cyanuric Acid (Stabilizer) is not consumed or lost from swimming pool water unless due to backwashing, adding of freshwater or splashing, cyanuric acid can build up in your pool water. This can cause your chlorine to "lock" and therefore become totally ineffective.
Whilst monitoring your chlorine levels and all appears fine, if your stabilizer is too high, you run the risk of locking your chlorine. What is chlorine lock?
For more information on correct chlorine levels and stabilizer levels give us a call.
0432 105 352 or make a booking here
